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EUR/PLN Trading Strategy

Trading Strategy
Our preference: the downside prevails as long as 4.1965 is resistance.
Alternative scenario
above 4.1965, look for 4.2064 and 4.2122.
the downside prevails as long as 4.1965 is resistance.
PLN: NBP Governor surprises the markets – ING
National Bank of Poland Governor Adam Glapiński once again managed to surprise the markets big time.

PLN: Still no change – Commerzbank
Poland’s central bank (NBP) will announce its monthly interest rate decision today.

PLN: Inflation hype – Commerzbank
Poland’s recent inflation data had been entirely dovish, and that the hawkish stance being maintained by NBP governor Adam Glapinski (and his faction within the MPC) – allegedly based on some concern about possible inflation pressure in future – had no fundamental basis, Commerzbank’s FX analyst Tatha Ghose notes.

No surprise from the NBP – Commerzbank
There should be no surprises from the Polish central bank (NBP) today.

PLN: Governor's dovish turn or just a wording adjustment? – ING
The only event on the CEE calendar today is the National Bank of Poland (NBP) meeting.

How responsible is the Polish central bank? – Commerzbank
The zloty weakened against the euro and against other CE3 peers yesterday after Poland’s controversial Constitutional Court ruled that NBP governor Adam Glapinski could not be brought before a parliamentary committee, nor State Tribunal, nor assessed in a report by such bodies because that would go against constitutional guarantees of central bank independence.