
Why Micron Stock Sank Today

The Motley FoolNov 13, 2024 5:53 AM

Micron (NASDAQ: MU) stock got hit with big sell-offs in Tuesday's trading. The memory chip specialist's share price ended the daily session down 4.2%. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 index fell 0.3%, and the Nasdaq Composite fell 0.1%.

Micron's valuation is slipping today in conjunction with a new report published by Edgewater Research. Edgewater thinks that the demand outlook for Micron's NAND and DRAM chips will be weaker than previously anticipated, and investors are responding to the analysis by moving out of the stock.

Will the memory chip market be weaker than expected next year?

Edgewater's recent research note brought bearish analysis for Micron on two separate but related fronts. For starters, the analysis suggests that demand for NAND memory solutions is weakening among original equipment manufacturers and cloud service providers. Demand for NAND solutions among data center customers is expected to come in somewhere between flat and a slight increase next year.

Making matters worse, Edgewater's analysts are also seeing pricing forecasts for NAND across all major segments come down. DRAM prices are also projected to come down. As opposed to the supply-constrained outlook some analysts were forecasting for 2025, Edgewater is seeing more than enough supply to meet demand and downward pricing pressures.

What comes next for Micron?

Micron stock has seen big swings this year as investors have attempted to weigh how much of a near-term benefit the company will see from artificial intelligence (AI) trends. On the heels of today's pullback, the company is now valued at less than 12 times this year's expected earnings.

MU PE Ratio (Forward) Chart

MU PE Ratio (Forward) data by YCharts.

After posting solid sales growth and swinging to a strong profit last quarter, the stock looks cheap by some metrics. But as the recent report from Edgewater highlights, performance in the memory chip industry is heavily shaped by cyclical shifts. With some signs suggesting that demand and pricing for key memory solutions will be weaker than expected next year, investors could continue to take a cautious approach to Micron stock. On the other hand, Edgewater also noted that the outlook on demand and pricing is highly fluid, and it remains to be seen how demand among enterprise customers will shape the industry backdrop.

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