
Deutsche Bank revises cybersecurity stocks: upgrades SentinelOne, cuts Okta

Investing.comNov 12, 2024 2:28 PM -- Deutsche Bank (ETR:DBKGn) on Tuesday made adjustments to its ratings on cybersecurity stocks, upgrading SentinelOne (NYSE:S) and downgrading Okta (NASDAQ:OKTA).

SentinelOne was raised to Buy from Hold, with a new price target set at $32 from the previous $25.

The upward revision comes as SentinelOne is seen benefiting from market dynamics and a strong product offering, particularly following the CrowdStrike-induced outage in the endpoint market on July 19.

“Our channel conversations have definitively up-ticked post the July Windows outage which is creating more opportunities along with a platform and technology story that is only getting better,” Deutsche analysts led by Brad Zelnick said in a note.

“While mindful these benefits will likely accrue over time, we see a path for SentinelOne to capitalize on its platform strengths centered on AI-powered technology and high-growth sub-segments as customers distinguish the architectural differences amongst vendors and the risks of vendor concentration,” they added.

Analysts anticipate SentinelOne's net new annual recurring revenue (NNARR) in the fiscal 2026 year (FY26) to grow by 15% year-over-year, compared to the consensus estimate of 10%.

In contrast, Okta's rating was downgraded to Hold from Buy due to a mixed reception from customers and competitive challenges.

Zelnick and his team suggest that Okta may face a longer road to value realization, potentially becoming more attractive later into the next year. Concerns include macro-driven headwinds, security breaches, and competition impacting customer expansion and new acquisitions.

As a result, analysts believe Wall Street estimates for the stock “are likely too high for next year,” prompting them to reduce their FY26E Subscription revenue growth estimate for Okta to 8% year-over-year versus the Street's 10.5%.

Alongside the downgrade, Okta's price target was lowered to $85 from $115.

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