
Fed's Barkin: Will proceed deliberately on policy

FXStreetJun 28, 2024 12:16 PM

Richmond Federal Reserve President Thomas Barkin said on Friday that he will proceed deliberately on monetary policy while delivering prepared remarks at the Global Interdependence Center in Paris, per Reuters.

Key takeaways

"Lags are still are playing out, policy tightening will eventually slow the economy further."

"Agility is key, must adjust according to new information."

"Services and shelter price-setters still have room to push prices higher."

"Open to the idea that rate hikes are not constraining economy as much as we think, given remarkable strength we are seeing."

Market reaction

These comments don't seem to be impacting the US Dollar's valuation in a meaningful way. At the time of press, the US Dollar Index was virtually unchanged on the day at 105.90.

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