
Exxon Mobil reports above-consensus Q3 earnings but revenue misses estimates

Investing.comNov 1, 2024 11:59 AM -- Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) reported earnings for the third quarter that beat analyst estimates, while revenue fell short of expectations.

The energy giant delivered Q3 earnings per share (EPS) of $1.92, slightly above the consensus estimates of $1.89.

Quarterly revenue reached $90.02 billion, missing the $94.24 billion projected by analysts.

Exxon shares rose around 1% in premarket trading Friday.

The company said its capital and exploration expenditures stood at $7.2 billion in the third quarter, bringing total expenditures for 2024 so far to $20 billion, aligning with its full-year target of $28 billion.

Cash flow from operating activities was reported at $17.6 billion and free cash flow was $11.3 billion.

“We delivered one of our strongest third quarters in a decade,” said Darren Woods, chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil.

“Our industry-leading results continue to demonstrate how our enterprise-wide transformation is improving the structural earnings power of the company,” he added.

Exxon also raised its quarterly dividend by 4.2% to 99 cents per share.

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