
Chinese equities see record weekly inflows, Japan has biggest outflow in 20 years - Barclays

ReutersOct 11, 2024 8:29 AM

LONDON (Reuters) - Emerging market stocks saw record inflows in the week to Wednesday, Barclays said citing data from EPFR, led by record inflows into Chinese equities.

Chinese equities saw $39 billion of inflows, Barclays said, made up of a $30 billion inflow from domestic investors and a $9 billion inflow from foreign investors, also both records.

That accounted for most of the $41 billion inflow into emerging market stocks.

Investors shunned Japan with Japanese stocks seeing outflows of $9 billion, their largest weekly outflow in 20 years, Barclays said.

(Reporting by Samuel Indykm editing by Alun John)

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