
Breaking: Trump inches closer to presidency after winning decisive Pennsylvania swing state

FXStreetNov 6, 2024 8:03 AM

  • Former president Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania, according to the Associated Press, putting him short of three electoral votes for the presidency.
  • Trump could take the election by just winning in Alaska or any other swing state.
  • Trump's likely victory favours the so-called Trump trades, with the US Dollar and Bitcoin soaring.

Former US president Donald Trump is about to officially win the 2024 US presidential election. The Republican candidate has won in Pennsylvania, a key swing state, according to the Associated Press. Trump's win in this key state, as well as his lead in others, puts him on the verge of victory.

Trump had already win in other key states such as Georgia and North Carolina. 

The US Dollar soars more than 1.5% on Wednesday, according to the DXY US Dollar Index. Meanwhile, Bitcoin jumps 6% and has reached a new all-time high.

(developing story, please refresh for updates)

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