
US Presidential election odds: Trump's odds lengthen after Biden drops out

FXStreetJul 21, 2024 11:03 PM

Most recent article: US President Joe Biden stands down from reelection, endorses Kamala HarrisMost recent article: US President Joe Biden stands down from reelection, endorses Kamala Harris

US President Joe Biden dropped out of the US presidential race Sunday, per CNN. Vice President Kamala Harris solidified her position as the leading Democratic candidate in the betting market. 
Former President Donald Trump remains the betting favorite in the Presidential race after Joe Biden confirmed he would step down as the Democrate candidate.
Harris' odds of becoming the next president soared. However, the vice president is still significantly behind former President Donald Trump in November's presidential election. These are the betting odds, you can't legally bet on elections in the United States. 

Market reaction

The US Dollar Index (DXY) is losing 0.14% on the day to trade near 104.20, as of writing. 

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