
USD/CAD Price Analysis: Rising within range as Canadian Dollar weakens

FXStreetJul 16, 2024 12:01 PM

  • USD/CAD starts fresh leg higher within a multi-month range and is poised to continue rising. 
  • The Canadian Dollar is weakening and USD/CAD has broken above all key Moving Averages.

USD/CAD looks to be starting a leg higher within a range that began unfolding in May. 

The pair’s lack of directionality means the short-term trend is sideways and given the “trend is your friend” the odds favor more ups and downs to come. 

USD/CAD 4-hour Chart 

Currently the pair appears to be in the process of rising towards the 1.3788 ceiling as the Canadian Dollar (CAD) undergoes a period of weakening. It has broken above all three major Simple Moving Averages (SMA) – another bullish sign. A break above 1.3695 would confirm further upside. 

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator crossed above its red signal line on July 5 after the initial bounce and is rising towards the zero line. This corroborates the view that an up leg is evolving. Crosses of the MACD above and below its signal line have coincided with most of the turns within the range so far, suggesting it has been a particularly reliable indicator. 

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