
Goldman Sachs predicts limited tools for next US president to significantly boost 2025 oil supply

TradingKeyJul 26, 2024 12:37 PM

- Goldman Sachs predicts limited tools for the next U.S. president to boost domestic oil supply in 2025 due to low strategic petroleum reserve stocks and potential regulatory constraints.

- Oil prices edged up post-positive U.S. economic data, hinting at heightened crude oil demand, with Brent crude at $82 a barrel and U.S. West Texas Intermediate at $78.

- The bank anticipates Brent prices to range between $75 and $90 in 2025, with factors like GDP growth, oil demand, and OPEC actions influencing the market, while ruling out significant tariffs on U.S. crude imports.

Goldman Sachs highlighted the challenges for the upcoming U.S. president in boosting domestic oil supply, citing low strategic petroleum reserve stocks and regulatory limitations. Despite a slight rise in oil prices post-positive U.S. economic data, the bank foresees Brent prices ranging between $75 and $90 in 2025, influenced by various economic factors and OPEC actions, with minimal impact from potential U.S. crude import tariffs.

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