***Denotes a new entry.
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) MEETING DATES:
May 6-7 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
June 17-18 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
July 29-30 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
September 16-17 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
October 28-29 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
December 9-10 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)
January 27-28 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)
March 17-18 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
April 28-29 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
June 16-17 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
July 28-29 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
September 15-16 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
October 27-28 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
December 8-9 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)
January 26-27 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)
No public events are currently scheduled.
Monday, March 24
***WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Board Governor Michael Barr speaks on "Small Business Lending" before the Aspen Institute "Advancing Innovation and Fairness in Small Business Finance" event, 1510 EDT/1910 GMT. Text available. Q&A from moderator and audience. RSVP for livestream: https://www.aspeninstitute.org/events/advancing-innovation-and-fairness-in-small-business-finance/. The Aspen Institute, 2300 N Street N.W., Suite 700. RSVP for in-person attendance: Tony Mastria, tony.mastria@aspeninstitute.org
Tuesday, March 25
***WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Board Governor Adriana Kugler speaks on "Economic Landscape and Entrepreneurship" before the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2025 Legislative Summit, 0840 EDT/1240 GMT. Text available. No Q&A. No Webcast. Mayflower Hotel, 1127 Connecticut Avenue N.W. RSVP for in-person attendance: Kelsey Flitter, kflitter@chemistryagency.com
NEW YORK - Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams gives opening remarks before the 2025 New York Fed Regional and Community Banking Conference, 0905 EDT/1305 GMT. Text available. No Q&A expected. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street. RSVP: Shelley Pitterson, shelley.pitterson@ny.frb.org. Event information: https://www.newyorkfed.org/newsevents/events/banking/2025/0325-2025
Wednesday, March 26
DETROIT LAKES, Minn. - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari hosts "Fed Listens" event conversation on labor market conditions, inflation, and how the Fed communicates and transmits monetary policy before the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce Economic Summit, 0900 CDT/1000 EDT/1400 GMT. Audience Q&A expected. No media Q&A. No embargoed text. Livestream at minneapolisfed.org/live. Historic Holmes Theatre, 806 Summit Avenue. Contact: Alyssa Augustine, alyssa.augustine@mpls.frb.org. Event information: https://business.visitdetroitlakes.com/events/details/annual-economic-summit-36476
PADUCAH, Ky. - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President Alberto Musalem speaks and participates in a moderated conversation on the U.S. economy and monetary policy before a Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce/Greater Paducah Economic Development luncheon, 1210 CDT/1310 EDT/1710 GMT. In-person or ZOOM virtual option for remarks and conversation; media availability follows, via TEAMS. The Commerce Center, 300 S. 3rd Street. RSVP: Anthony Kiekow, anthony.kiekow@stls.frb.org or 314 949 9739
Thursday, March 27
LEXINGTON, Va. - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin delivers the H. Parker Willis Lecture in Political Economy at Washington and Lee University, 1630 EDT/2030 GMT. Text posted to richmondfed.org at speech time. Audience Q&A expected. No media Q&A. No livestream. 204 W. Washington Street, Elrod Commons, Stackhouse Theater, Lexington VA 24450. Contact: Jim Strader, jim.strader@rich.frb.org or 804 332 0207. Event information: https://columns.wlu.edu/president-and-ceo-of-the-federal-reserve-bank-of-richmond-to-present-h-parker-willis-lecture/
Friday, March 28
***CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Federal Reserve Board Governor Michael Barr participates in "Banking Policy" discussion before the 2025 Banking Institute event hosted by the University of North Carolina Law School, 1215 EDT/1615 GMT. Text available. Q&A from moderator and audience. Webcast at https://unc.zoom.us/j/91955915626?pwd=FCaw1yOhqf0qKq4Li7Hebjx0wGGkeH.1 (ID: 919 5591 5626; Passcode: 740888). Ritz-Carlton, 202 E. Trade Street. RSVP for in-person attendance: Jennifer De La Rosa, jdelarosa@unc.edu
ATLANTA - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic moderates "U.S. Housing Finance Policy" panel before the Third Annual Georgia Tech-Atlanta Fed Household Finance Conference, 1530 EDT/1930 GMT. Livestream available. Audience Q&A expected. No media Q&A. No embargoed text. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 1000 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309. Contact: Melissa Long, melissa.long@atl.frb.org or 470 858 6665
Thursday, April 10
NEW YORK - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Austan Goolsbee participates in a moderated question-and-answer session before the Economic Club of New York, 1200 EDT/1600 GMT. Embargoed text TBD. Livestream at https://www.chicagofed.org/publications/speeches/2025/april-10-austan-goolsbee-economic-club-new-york. Contact: Sean Herpolsheimer, sean.herpolsheimer@chi.frb.org. Event information: https://www.econclubny.org/web/pages/events
Tuesday, April 22
PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Patrick Harker participates in fireside chat before the Economic Mobility Summit sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 0930 EDT/1330 GMT. Other details TBA. Lowes Philadelphia Hotel, 1200 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Event information: https://web.cvent.com/event/0cefe1bf-a51d-4e49-b831-b0dc01d2818f/websitePage:308f3e27-cd58-49ca-9ffd-d803bf5b1ab4. Contact: Kelli Antonacci, Kelly.Antonacci@phil.frb.org
Wednesday, April 23
***CHICAGO - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Austan Goolsbee speaks virtually before the Economic Mobility Summit sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 0800 CDT/0900 EDT/1300 GMT. Livestream available. Embargoed text TBD. Event information: https://web.cvent.com/event/0cefe1bf-a51d-4e49-b831-b0dc01d2818f/websitePage:308f3e27-cd58-49ca-9ffd-d803bf5b1ab4. Contact: Sean Herpolsheimer, sean.herpolsheimer@chi.frb.org
Thursday-Friday, May 15-16, 2025
WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Board holds 2nd Thomas Laubach Research Conference. The conference will highlight research focusing on monetary policy and the economy. As such, it is expected to provide timely academic perspectives for the monetary policy framework review that the Federal Reserve has committed to conduct every five years. Other details TBA. Information: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/other20240920a.htm
Tuesday, May 20
ROANOKE, Va. - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin gives opening remarks before the "Elevating What Works" 2025 Investing in Rural America Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 0900 EDT/1300 GMT. Other details TBA. Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center, 110 Shenandoah Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24016. Contact: Jim Strader, jim.strader@rich.frb.org. RSVP by May 5: https://web.cvent.com/event/5658f4a7-0001-4b35-bb10-131e4a85f19a/summary?RefId=outreach&utm_campaign=f425bda4c9-DISTRICT_DIALOGUES_1_11_2022_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Federal%20Reserve%20Bank%20of%20Richmond&utm_term=0_f56b5f06b6-f425bda4c9-71970025
1400 EDT/1800 GMT
Wednesday, April 9 (for meeting of March 18-19)
Wednesday, May 28 (for meeting of May 6-7)
BEIGE BOOK (Wednesday dates)
1400 EDT/1800 GMT
April 23, June 4, July 16, September 3, October 15
1400 EST/1900 GMT
November 26
January 14, 2026
Federal Reserve Quarterly Financial Accounts of the United States (Z.1)
Thursday, June 12, at 1200 EDT/1600 GMT
Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago president
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston president
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis president
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City president
Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland president
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia president
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas president
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis president
Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago president
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond president
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta president
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco president
((To access stories on Fed policy click on FED/AHEAD. For a diary of top economic events, see M/DIARY)