
Not just Focus on Crypto, Coinbase's Q4 Earnings Report Shows 167% CAGR in This Business!

AuthorViga Liu
Feb 14, 2025 7:32 AM

TradingKey - Coinbase's Q4 earnings showcased an exceptional financial performance, with revenue soaring by 138% YOY and net income skyrocketing by 370%. This growth was supported by a 128% increase in institutional trading volumes from the previous quarter, underlining Coinbase's strengthening position among institutional investors.

Transaction revenue saw an impressive 194% increase, reflecting a surge in trading activity, while subscription revenue grew by 71%, demonstrating the effectiveness of Coinbase's strategy to diversify and stabilize its income. Since 2020, the subscription and services segment has grown at an impressive CAGR of 167%, marking a successful pivot to more predictable revenue streams.

One standout was XRP, contributing 14% to the quarter's transaction revenue, aligning with renewed interest in XRP, especially as the SEC considers potential ETF filings for XRP, hinting at future revenue opportunities for Coinbase.

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