
NVIDIA to replace Intel in Dow Jones Industrial Average

Investing.comNov 4, 2024 12:14 AM

After the close of trading on Friday, S&P Dow Jones Indices announced that AI giant NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) will replace Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

The change will take place effective prior to the market open of trading on Friday, November 8, 2024.

S&P Dow Jones Indices said the changes were made to "ensure a more representative exposure to the semiconductors industry."

Year-to-date, NVIDIA's stock is up 173%, while Intel is down 54%.  NVIDIA is the dominant player in the AI chip sector.  Analysts at BofA Securities expect AI accelerator demand to grow to $280 billion by 2027 and more than $400 billion over time, with NVIDIA garnering 75% of the market share.

In addition to the NVIDIA/Intel change, S&P Dow Jones Indices announced that Sherwin-Williams Co (NYSE:SHW) will replace Dow Inc (NYSE:DOW) in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.


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