
Breaking: US Election 2024: Exit polls show a slim Trump's advantage

FXStreetNov 6, 2024 12:20 AM

A historical United States presidential election is about to come to an end. Polling locations have begun closing, and initial exit polls will start hitting the wires, and triggering sharp reactions across financial boards one way or the other. It is worth remembering, however, nothing will be set and done, as some states may take a couple of days to offer final results. 

Whether former President Donald Trump or current Vice-President Kamala Harris will become the next US President will likely depend on what happens in the seven swing states. 

Georgia is among the first of those with available exit polls, showing that the scale leans toward Trump's side. The state, which holds 16 electoral votes, shows Trump received roughly 10% more votes than Harris, with less than 1% votes counted, according to the Washington Post. The advantage seems slimmer according to other researchers, but Trump also leads.

Follow our live coverage of the market reaction to the US presidential election as counting results start hitting the wires.

Market reaction

The US Dollar is up as an immediate reaction to the news. The US Dollar Index changed course and currently hovers around 103.60 after bottoming at  103.34 on Tuesday.

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