
China again warns EU against separate talks with EV makers

ReutersOct 28, 2024 6:04 AM

BEIJING (Reuters) - China renewed warnings to the European Union that if the bloc conducts separate negotiations with electric vehicle companies while in talks with China, that would "shake mutual trust" and interfere with the overall negotiations, Chinese commerce ministry said on Monday.

The ministry issued a similar warning earlier this month, but this reiteration comes days after China and the EU agreed to hold further technical negotiations on possible alternatives to tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EV).

Both sides had clarified that price commitments would continue to be the solution to the dispute, and the ministry said the next phase of consultations have begun.

Beijing said last Friday that it "welcomed the EU team to come to China as soon as possible".

(Reporting by Liz Lee and Beijing newsroom; Editing by Himani Sarkar)

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