
Fed officials appear to be getting a bit nervous – BBH

FXStreetJun 25, 2024 12:53 PM

It seems that Federal Reserve (Fed) officials are getting a bit nervous, BBH analysts note.

Inflation is not the only risk for the Fed

“Goolsbee said ‘If we get more months like what we have just seen in the last month on inflation, coupled with slowing conditions in some of the other parts of the real economy, then you would have to start questioning, should we remain as restrictive as we’ve been?’”

“Elsewhere, Daly said ‘The bumpiness of inflation data so far this year has not inspired confidence. Recent readings are more encouraging, but it is hard to know if we are truly on track to sustainable price stability." 

“However, ‘So far, the labor market has adjusted slowly, and the unemployment rate has only edged up. Future labor market slowing could translate into higher unemployment, as firms need to adjust not just vacancies but actual jobs. It seems, inflation is not the only risk we face.’” 

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