
RBA’s Bullock: Board discussed whether to hike rates at the meeting

FXStreetJun 18, 2024 5:34 AM

Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Governor Michele Bullock is speaking at a press conference following the announcement of the June monetary policy decision on Tuesday.

Bullock is responding to questions from the media, as part of a new reporting format for the central bank starting this year.

Key quotes

Need a lot to go our way to bring inflation back to range.

Board discussed whether to hike rates at the meeting.

Board decided to stay the course on policy.

Trying to bring demand down while remaining on narrow path.

Board wanted to make point that they are alert to upside risks on inflation.

Very difficult to get a read on inflation with quarterly data.

Need to look across broad economy not just Q2 CPI.

developing story ....

Market reaction

AUD/USD is catching a fresh bid on the above comments, up 0.15% on the day at 0.6618, as of writing.

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