
Solana leads 2024, attracting 38% of global crypto interest

CryptopolitanNov 18, 2024 8:11 AM

Solana wins the most popular blockchain title in 2024, holding 38% of global crypto investor interest. The high interest in Solana’s blockchain could be attributed to the resurgence in meme coin popularity and the launch of its meme coin launch pad,

According to Coingecko’s report, Solana is the most popular blockchain in 2024, attracting nearly 40% of global crypto investor interest.

Solana has maintained its top ranking in crypto investor interest levels since Q1

The establishment of its new platform,, in January, has contributed significantly to its interest lead. Since its launch in January this year, the introduction of its platform Pump. fun has significantly boosted customer engagement. has deployed more than 2.5 million unique tokens and has grown popular for its low transaction costs within the meme coin community.

Solana’s current popularity levels, however, are slightly lower than in Q1. While it has maintained its lead throughout the year, the platform’s interest has slightly fallen by 10.5% since Q1, even as other blockchain networks scramble for investors’ attention.

Coinbase’s Base ecosystem is one of the many crypto networks that has earned investors’ attention in 2024. It trails Solana with 16.8% interest levels, up over five times since Q1. Like Solana, the ecosystem has profited from its meme coin trading. 

The Ethereum ecosystem ranks third with a 10.8% share of investor interest; however, its popularity levels are down by almost 2%.

Solana is 2024's most popular blockchain, accounting for 38% of global crypto investor interest

Source: Coingecko

Solana’s Pump. fun welcomed a new trading terminal in October

On October 19, Solana launched its upgraded trading terminal on, Pump Advanced. According to Solana, the new platform is now considered their “fastest trading terminal,” and it even offers non-custodial wallet creation through emails.

In one of their posts on X, Solana explained that Pump Advanced includes more monitoring features, such as mini charts, top-holder stats, and social activity. With the launch in mind, they even stated, “It’s time to dominate the trenches.”

The upgraded terminal’s release is anticipated to increase the number of users on, signaling heightened interest in Solana’s blockchain.

The token SOL on Solana’s blockchain has also been one of the top crypto market performers in the last 24 hours, rising by over 9% to $243. The token surge was partially caused by VanEck executives’ input on the potential approval of spot Solana exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the United States, fueling investor optimism.

For starters, Matthew Sigel, head of digital asset research at VanEck, believes that Solana’s ETF listing odds before 2025’s close are incredibly high, pointing at Donald Trump’s election victory as a signal for more crypto products.

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