
First ICO on Telegram Captures Insane Interest Raising Over $1m

CryptopolitanOct 30, 2024 5:57 AM

Having recruited around 1.4 million players and having raised over $1m already as the world’s first Telegram ICO, Dogizen is becoming hard to ignore.

It’s building on the success of the TON ecosystem and Telegram gaming this year, with expectations of a sell-out around the corner and even a Binance exchange listing. With several bullish factors in play, the future for Dogizen looks bright. 

Breaking records as the first Telegram ICO

Firsts often go down in history, and Dogizen is set to be no exception. Dogizen is the first Telegram ICO, opening its presale to nearly 1 billion global users who can invest in and claim DOGIZ tokens without ever leaving the app. 

Since Telegram is well-known as an on-ramp for Web3, with 50% of Telegram-based (T2E) games’ audiences being new to crypto, there’s potential to attract millions more eyes than most ICOs enjoy. 

Some of this demand is undoubtedly linked to the booming TON ecosystem on which Dogizen is built. Deeply integrated with Telegram, TON has seen its accounts skyrocket over the past year, jumping from 3.6 million in October 2023 to 111 million today. 

Dogizen’s potential looks unmatched

With Dogizen’s plan to become a go-to hub for Telegram gaming, leveraging its existing audience to build the Dogizen Universe, DOGIZ is ripe for an explosion. This universe comes complete with developer SDKs and revenue-sharing opportunities for DOGIZ holders, offering developers instant access to millions of players and gamers and a lucrative passive income as Dogizen grows.

Right now, DOGIZ is priced at $0.000074, a bargain considering GameFi is set to grow at a CAGR of 27% in the coming years. Combined with its position as the world’s first Telegram ICO, a Bitcoin price set to hit new all-time highs soon, and easing global financial conditions, Dogizen looks unmatched in its potential. 

Rivals like Hamster Kombat and Catizen have recently listed on Binance, and there are rumors that Dogizen will join this cohort. If this occurs, we could be looking at 100x gains in the making.

A DOGIZ sell-out could be imminent

Thanks to its Telegram integration, hundreds of millions are already exposed to Dogizen, and any form of catalyst in the market could mean it sells out rapidly. The open market potential is staggering, and at the very least, those who invest today will gain by 47.30%.

Get ahead of the crowd and join the world’s first Telegram ICO before it’s too late.

Dogizen is available to buy on the official website.

Reviewed byTony
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