
dYdX Integrates Keplr Wallet Expanding Access to 130+ Markets for Users

Live Bitcoin NewsSep 13, 2024 12:19 AM

  • dYdX now incorporates Keplr Wallet, allowing users to access over 130 markets with just three clicks.
  • This autumn, dYdX Unlimited will expand its market offers by introducing the MegaVault.

dYdX gets stimulated to announce a new connection with Keplr Wallet, which will dramatically improve user experience by allowing quick access to over 130 markets on the dYdX Chain. Keplr Wallet users may now connect and trade smoothly with just three clicks through the new dYdX Chain and Keplr integration.

Keplr Wallet, a popular multi-chain wallet with over a million users, provides a secure and easy way to access several blockchain networks. With this new relationship, users will be able to enjoy a better-decentralized trading and staking experience while still having complete control over their cash.

Users of Keplr Wallet can now easily link to dYdX and interact with its on-chain orderbook. Those who have USDC in their Keplr wallets can deposit directly into the dYdX Chain, while others can use the Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) to transfer their assets. This integration responds to a long-standing dYdX community request and improves accessibility ahead of the future introduction of dYdX Unlimited.

dYdX Unlimited to Broaden Market Offerings

dYdX Unlimited, which is due to launch this autumn, promises to be the network’s most significant improvement since its founding. It will support a wide range of markets, including crypto assets and prediction markets. The update will also include the MegaVault, a master liquidity pool meant to offer liquidity across all dYdX Chain markets, improving trading efficiency even further.

dYdX Foundation CEO Charles d’Haussy complimented the integration, focusing on Keplr Wallet’s contribution to improving the Cosmos ecosystem and easing multi-chain navigation. He was excited to welcome Keplr customers to the dYdX Chain, where they may trade a wide range of marketplaces while maintaining control over their assets.

Keplr Wallet CEO Josh Lee highlighted the importance of this connection, adding that, while Keplr Wallet supports a variety of blockchains, its origins lie in the Cosmos ecosystem. The integration of dYdX Chain improves the wallet’s functionality, allowing users to trade efficiently in a quick, low-fee environment.

As dYdX works for this big update, its cooperation with Keplr Wallet is expected to strengthen its position as a top DeFi platform, reflecting a broader trend toward smooth and fast Web3 interactions.


The post dYdX Integrates Keplr Wallet Expanding Access to 130+ Markets for Users appeared first on Live Bitcoin News.

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