
Short-Term Bitcoin Holders Move Millions To Binance—Is A Market Correction Imminent?

NewsBTCNov 13, 2024 10:22 AM

Bitcoin has been on a major upward trajectory, recently hitting an all-time high (ATH) of above $89,000. As this milestone was crossed, a notable trend emerged with short-term holders transferring their holdings to major exchanges, particularly Binance.

According to CryptoQuant analyst Joao Wedson, this behavior suggests that investors with shorter time horizons may be positioning themselves to take profits, leading to potential selling pressure in the market.

Bitcoin exchange inflow.

What To Watch Out For

Wedson highlighted that the concentration of Bitcoin deposits to a single exchange like Binance is worth close monitoring, as it could impact liquidity and price stability on the platform, potentially reverberating through the broader market.

The CryptoQuant analyst emphasized three areas for market participants to watch closely. First, tracking the flow of BTC to exchanges, especially Binance, can provide insights into the potential scale of selling intent among short-term holders.

As more coins flow to a major exchange, the potential for market impact rises, making it crucial to gauge the extent of any impending sell-off.

Second, the impact on price volatility is expected to be significant as concentrated selling or profit-taking on Binance could create sharp movements, providing both challenges and opportunities for traders.

The final area of focus, according to Wedson, is anticipating potential price movements based on these inflows and understanding how they may influence the broader market’s behavior.

Bitcoin Market Correction Imminent?

Meanwhile, further insights were provided by another CryptoQuant analyst known as “caueconomy.” This analyst pointed out that Bitcoin’s breakout of its previous all-time high has initiated a price discovery process.

With this milestone, the market has seen heightened open interest levels, with more than $16 billion added to futures positions over the past week. This surge indicates a rise in leveraged positions, which can lead to heightened risk of corrections in the short term.

However, the analyst emphasized that the market’s underlying fundamentals appear much more strong this time around, suggesting that any potential short-term corrections could be viewed as natural adjustments.

Rather than signalling a broader downturn, these corrections may offer buying opportunities for investors looking to enter or accumulate during periods of market pullback.

Bitcoin trades for $86,441, which has increased by 2.3% in the past day. Notably, this current trading price marks a 3.6% decline from BTC’s latest achieved all-time high of $89,864 earlier today.

Bitcoin (BTC) price chart on TradingView

According to renowned crypto analyst known as Ali on X, key support levels for Bitcoin to watch are between $83,250 – $85,800 and $72,880 – $75,520.

Featured image created with DALL-E, Chart from TradingView

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