
Bitcoin hits new all time high of $75,242 as Trump takes an early lead on election day

CryptopolitanNov 6, 2024 5:41 AM

Bitcoin has reached a new all-time high of $75,242 as Republican candidate Donald Trump takes an early lead in the polls, with 95 wins out of the 135 electoral votes counted so far. Data from a popular offshore crypto-based betting platform, Polymarket, shows Trump’s winning rate has risen to 93%, while Kamala Harris’s winning rate is 7.7%.

The U.S. presidential election race between former President Donald Trump and serving Vice President Kamala Harris has largely remained tight during the campaign period. However, Trump has taken an early lead with 95 wins out of the 135 electoral votes counted. 

Data from Polymarket, an offshore crypto betting platform, shows Trump’s winning probability is up 93% at the time of this publication. Democrat candidate Kamala Harris trails behind Trump with about 7%.


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