
New Bitcoin Investors See Profitability Surge, Setting A Bullish Tone For BTC

BitcoinistOct 28, 2024 1:28 PM

Bitcoin‘s recent price rebound has captured the attention of the general crypto sector, which has put retail investors, especially new ones, on a high profitability as market conditions continue to display noticeable improvements.

Bitcoin Profitability Rises Among New Investors

In recent developments, new Bitcoin investors have witnessed a notable increase in profitability, boosting the outlook of the leading cryptocurrency asset. Market expert and host of the Crypto Banter show, Kyle Doops, reported the positive advancement on the X (formerly Twitter) platform, which has enhanced positive sentiment about the digital asset’s potential.

The current rise in profitability of new investors coincides with a surge in the price of Bitcoin, which has rekindled market confidence. With prices stabilizing and beginning to trend upward, this increase might trigger demand for BTC in the coming days.

After examining the Bitcoin Short-term Holders Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) metric, the expert noted that revealed that the new investors of BTC are seeing higher profits as the MVRV ratio recovers from August lows.

He pointed out that the Short-Term Holder MVRV (STH-MVRV) has also surpassed its 90-day moving average following the yen-carry unwind, suggesting a positive momentum for the crypto asset and a stronger market trend.


Given the current optimism in the general market, the rise in profitability among new investors might mark the start of a bullish trend for BTC. Meanwhile, this could ultimately strengthen the flagship asset’s attractiveness to experienced and novice investors. This positive development comes in light of an increase in Bitcoin’s Open Interest (OI), which has recently reached a new all-time high. It is important to note that while open interest has hit new all-time highs, the higher the metric, the greater the volatility factor.

Despite the high volatility factor, the surge in open interest shows that traders are maintaining their BTC positions, indicating firm confidence among these investors toward the future price performance of the digital asset. It also reflects the growing interest of investors in leverage, especially on bigger cryptocurrency exchanges.

BTC’s Current Price Movement Looks Promising

With bullish sentiment exceeding bearish sentiment by a huge scale in the general market, BTC has no doubt benefited from this optimistic outlook, as prices are drawing much closer to the $70,000 level once again.

After trending within the $66,000 and $67,000 price range for the past few days, BTC has finally witnessed a rebound to the $68,000 price mark, showing resiliency for more gains in the upcoming days. This rebound could be triggered by the renewed investors’ interest in the digital asset, as evidenced by large capital inflows into Bitcoin.

Presently, Bitcoin is on a healthy path, trading at $68,420, which demonstrates a nearly 2% rise in the last 24 hours. In the past day, BTC’s trading volume has increased by over 33%, reflecting growing positive sentiment.


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