
Elon Musk's X removes Bitcoin hashmoji, community abuzz

TradingKeyJul 26, 2024 12:59 PM

- Elon Musk's X platform removed the Bitcoin hashmoji, sparking speculation in the Bitcoin community about the reason behind this move, confirmed by a member of the X team.

- The removal of Bitcoin hashmoji and other cryptocurrency hashmojis from X has left the crypto community puzzled, with no clear explanation provided for Elon Musk's decision.

- Tesla still retains a significant Bitcoin stash worth $184 million, despite Elon Musk's recent environmental concerns leading to the halt of Bitcoin payments for Tesla vehicles and gradual selling of its BTC holdings.

Elon Musk's X platform has removed the Bitcoin hashmoji without explanation, causing speculation among the crypto community. Tesla, on the other hand, still holds $184 million worth of Bitcoin despite Musk's environmental concerns impacting its use for payments and leading to the gradual sale of its BTC holdings. Musk has reiterated that none of his companies, including X, will be launching their own cryptocurrency.

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