

FX1682024年9月11日 06:05

FX168财经报社(北美)讯 比特币阿姆斯特丹2024大会将于2024年10月9日至10日在标志性的Westergas场地再次登场。继今年7月在纳什维尔举行的全球比特币大会(Bitcoin 2024)之后,该大会吸引了美国总统候选人特朗普到场并引发热议,预计比特币阿姆斯特丹2024将成为全球比特币行业的又一个历史性盛会。





预计将有5000人参加,比特币阿姆斯特丹2024有望成为今年欧洲最重要的比特币活动之一。去年的大会有爱德华·斯诺登和艾娃·弗拉丁格布鲁克等知名嘉宾参与。今年也将有其他具有影响力的声音,讨论自由、金融和技术在比特币中的交汇。首批公布的演讲嘉宾包括Strike的CEO Jack Mallers和Stella Assange,更多嘉宾将在未来几周陆续揭晓。


随着活动临近,门票价格将逐步上涨。建议与会者尽早购票,参与这一比特币未来的重要对话。 欲了解更多详情、购买门票及获取嘉宾更新,请访问:比特币阿姆斯特丹2024

The Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024 conference is set to take the stage once again at the iconic Westergas venue on October 9-10, 2024. Following the landmark global Bitcoin Conference held in Nashville this July, where U.S. presidential candidates Donald J. Trump captivated audiences, Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024 is poised to be another historic event in the global Bitcoin industry.

Exploring the Future

This year's conference theme invites participants to delve into the future of Bitcoin. Over the past 15 years, Bitcoin has evolved from an obscure digital experiment to a central player on the global financial stage. As we look ahead, we ask: Where is Bitcoin headed next?

The conference will challenge industry leaders in technology, finance, and policy to explore Bitcoin's transformative potential. Discussions will focus on ensuring Bitcoin continues to be a force for global economic empowerment, innovation, and financial inclusivity. With plenty of educational sessions and opportunities for networking this event is focusing on shaping the future of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

With an expected attendance of 5,000, Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024 is set to be one of the most significant Bitcoin events in Europe this year. Last year's conference featured notable speakers such as Edward Snowden and Eva Vlaardingerbroek. This year promises other influential voices discussing how freedom, finance, and technology converge in Bitcoin. Among the first speakers announced are Jack Mallers, CEO of Strike, and Stella Assange. The lineup is expanding daily, and more speakers will be unveiled in the coming weeks.

Secure Your Spot: Tickets and Updates

As excitement builds, ticket prices will increase as the event approaches. Attendees are encouraged to secure their tickets early to be part of this pivotal conversation on Bitcoin's future.

For more details, to purchase tickets, and to stay updated on speaker announcements, visit: Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024.


审核人Esteban Ma
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