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Filecoin News

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Info of Filecoin

Who are the founders of Filecoin?up
Filecoin was created by Protocol Labs, a research and development lab led by Juan Benet. Protocol Labs also developed IPFS, the decentralized data storage network that Filecoin is built upon.
Is Filecoin storage permanent?up
No, Filecoin storage is not permanently guaranteed. Filecoin uses a storage model where data is stored by "storage miners" who are incentivized to store data through the Filecoin cryptocurrency. However, this data can be lost if storage miners stop providing the necessary proofs of storage. Filecoin provides economic incentives to encourage reliable long-term storage, but it cannot guarantee data will be stored indefinitely.
What are some of the primary use cases for Filecoin?up
Some of the primary use cases for Filecoin include: Decentralized data storage and retrieval - Filecoin allows users to store and retrieve data in a decentralized way, without relying on centralized cloud storage providers. Timestamped and verifiable data storage - Filecoin provides cryptographic proofs of storage that can be used to verify when and how data has been stored. IPFS integration - Filecoin integrates with the IPFS decentralized web protocol, allowing IPFS-based applications to leverage Filecoin's decentralized storage capabilities. Financial services and tools - The Filecoin ecosystem includes wallets, signing libraries, and other financial tools built on top of the protocol. Decentralized apps (dApps) - Developers can build decentralized applications on Filecoin that require reliable and tamper-proof data storage.


