
Editorial Policy

TradingKey is committed to providing investors with rich, timely and valuable financial information to help them grasp market conditions and identify trading opportunities in a timely manner.
Our goal is to simplify complex financial knowledge and insights, and help users gain confidence in investing and trading.

Tradingkey Content Creation Guidelines

Professionalism: TradingKey's articles are the product of collaboration between a professional editorial team and senior industry experts. The content combines in-depth research, independent data collection and analysis, with expert insights.
Objectivity and Impartiality: TradingKey's content is fact-based and thoroughly researched, never written to promote any particular economic or political viewpoint.
Accuracy: TradingKey makes every effort to ensure the content of the platform is accurate and clearly presented to readers. Information is regularly updated and verified for accuracy by our staff. Any errors or misrepresentations identified will be promptly investigated and corrected.

Editorial Process

The editorial team continually evaluates all site content, revising or updating outdated information.
Articles of poor quality or that are outdated will be rewritten as necessary to maintain high content standards.
TradingKey's team of financial experts will support the process throughout, assisting with the review of Insights articles for updating and proofreading.

Tradingkey Article Quality Standards

Each article represents a collaborative effort across multiple team members to ensure accuracy, readability and timeliness - reflecting TradingKey's content creation guidelines.
Our expert financial writers contribute insightful, in-depth content through their expertise, while professional editors, fact-checkers and compliance teams review the content through rigorous processes to uphold our values of professionalism, accuracy and objectivity.

Tradingkey's Author Selection Criteria

Authors and experts on the Tradingkey website are recruited through a rigorous vetting process. Some are experienced financial writers, while others are experts in the financial field. All of them possess deep financial knowledge coupled with the ability to explain complex topics clearly.
Author details, expert reviews and compliance checks are listed under each article. Readers can access bios covering each author's education, work experience, social media and relevant certifications. All TradingKey authors must adhere to the content guidelines outlined above.

Advertising Disclosure

Advertisements and sponsored content are prominently labelled and visually distinguished from main content.

Do you have feedback?

We love to hear from our readers and are committed to supporting you in your investment journey. If you have any comments or suggestions to share, please feel free to contact us at contentcollab@tradingkey.com.