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Request News

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Info of Request

Who are the founders of Request Network?up
Request Network is a decentralized protocol, so anyone can contribute to its development. However, the founders of Request Network are Christophe Lassuyt and Etienne Tatur. Christophe Lassuyt is currently the president of the board at the Request Network Foundation, while Etienne Tatur is the vice-president of the board. Both are alumni of the Y Combinator startup accelerator program.
What makes Request Network unique?up
One of the key advantages of Request Network is that the payments are push-generated instead of pull-generated. This means that users do not need to share their account information, as the counterparty can simply detect the payment request and pay it with one click in a peer-to-peer manner. Additionally, the use of blockchain technology eliminates the need for third-party processors, resulting in reduced transaction costs. Request Network also allows for the integration of various financial tools and applications that can work together, promoting interoperability and the opposite of the siloed web2 industry.
How is Request Network secured?up
Request Network is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which provides a secure and immutable digital ledger for recording all the requests and payments made on the platform. The REQ tokens are ERC-20 tokens, which inherit the security features of the Ethereum network, such as decentralized consensus and cryptographic verification of transactions.


